Uniform Approach To The Air Pollution Management System For Functional Urban Areas In Tritia Region

Whether air quality has improved or not in excessively polluted areas is still managed at local level. At the same time, air pollution is a specific issue with its cross-boundary overrun so that it cannot be effectively managed only at the national or regional level. AIR TRITIA aims to increase air quality management capacities of public sector bodies through the development of a unified spatial information database, introducing new management and pollution prediction tools and air quality strategies.

Project's Website:

Contact person:
Profesor Petr Jančík

Duration of the project:
01.06.2017 r. - 31.05.2020 r.

Project's Partners:

  • VŠB - Technical university of ostrava (CZ)
  • Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej TRITIA z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (PL)
  • University of Žilina (SK)
  • GIG (PL)
  • IMGW (PL)
  • ACCENDO - centre for science and research, institute (CZ)
  • Rybnik (PL)
  • Ostrava (CZ)
  • Žilina (SK)
  • Opole (PL)
  • Opava (CZ)

The total budget of the project is EUR 2 576 623 and is supported by the Interreg Central Europe program financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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