News archive


Training course for Iranian mining specialists concerning rock mass methane drainage planning

From the 13th to the 17th of February, the Central Mining Institute was visited by a delegation of representatives of the Iranian mining company Tabas Coal Mines Complex

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Polish delegation in India

Jan Bondaruk, D.Sc. Eng., the GIG Deputy General Director for Environmental Engineering, took part in the Polish delegation in India

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An article recently published in Journal of Sustainable Mining has been officially nominated for the ATLAS Award

Each month from all published research from across Elsevier’s 1,800 journals a small number of articles is nominated and from those nominations one single article is selected by an external advisory board made up of individuals from NGOs

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Central Mining Institute’s ECO PATROL

In response to the needs reported both by the residents and government units, the Central Mining Institute introduced an innovative, original solution in the scope of air quality measurement and monitoring

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Happy Holidays

I would like to wish You Joy, Hope and Peace during the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year

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