Professor Alicja Krzemień, of the Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute (GIG-PIB), becomes President of the European Association for Coal and Lignite

Brussels 17 June 2024, the European Association for Coal and Lignite EURACOAL members elected professor Alicja Krzemień of the Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute in Poland (GIG-PIB), to be its next President. She brings to the association her great knowledge and experience of underground coal mining, land restoration and transition in the coal regions. During her presidency, she will promote the interests of the European coal and lignite industry at the EU level and aims to push for a clean and just transition in the coal regions.

Prof. Alicja Krzemień is a mining engineer and Associate Professor of environmental engineering, mining, and energy at the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute (GIG-PIB) in Katowice, Poland. A member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mining Committee, she also serves on the European Commission’s Coal Advisory Group, the Scientific Council of the Strata Mechanics Research Institute in Kraków, and the International Organising Committee of the World Mining Congress. At EURACOAL, Prof. Krzemień chairs the Technical Research Committee and within the UN system. She sits on the taskforce on safe operations and closure of coal mines at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE in Geneva. For the last ten years, she has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Oviedo in Spain where she has not only shared her knowledge but also applied it in practice by leading a €19 million demonstration project with an acronym MINE-TO-H2, financed by the EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel.

The European Association for Coal and Lignite EURACOAL, represents the interests of coal producers, coal importers and coal users in Brussels. The Association has 20 members from 12 countries. As well as the recently launched 8th edition of Coal industry across Europe, a detailed review of the European coal industry with sections on the world coal market and energy transition, the association also publishes a biannual European coal market report




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