Memorandum of Understanding on the joint development of CCUS projects between GIG-PIB i C-Questra

C-Questra, an independent European operator specializing in the CO2 storage value chain, and the Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute in Poland (GIG-PIB), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly develop carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) projects in Poland.

C-Questra is an independent European carbon capture and storage operator founded in 2023, which has already submitted the first CCUS permit application in France to further appraise an already assessed onshore CO2 injection site located in the Paris Basin area.

Jarosław Zagórowski, Director of the GIG-PIBCCUS technology is considered to be crucial for climate action. Capturing CO2 from large industrial sources and storing it permanently or using it by converting it into useful products can reduce emissions from the industrial and energy sectors. GIG-PIB is always willing to engage in any activities aimed at solving this problem”.

GIG-PIB is a recognised national research institute with 12 scientific research departments and 416 employees which will provide expertise and technological support to C-Questra to accelerate the development of certain carbon storage projects in Poland.

Fernanda Veloso, Technical Director at C-Questra, said: "The purpose of the MoU is to maximise our chances, with the help of a prestigious partner, to deliver a first operational CCUS project in Europe. Poland has recently introduced significant legislative amendments aiming at lifting bureaucratic barriers in order to accelerate the adoption of crucial CCUS technology on large industrial scale.“

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