Re-purposing Coal Power Plants during Energy Transition




Re-purposing Coal Power Plants during Energy Transition

01.07.2020 - 30.06.2022

Project coordinator:
VGB Powertech EV, Niemcy

Project manager in GIG:
dr hab. inż. Stanisław Tokarski
Zespół Doradców (Team of Advisors)
tel: +32 259 2298

The proposal is a Study about the status, the mapping and screening of the re-purposing potential of coal power plants (coal regions in transition - countries, type, age etc). Common assets (specific site assets) and common commitments (PPAs, steam supply to nearby industry, mines etc) have to be taken into account. One main objective in this part is the collection and systematization of data based on a set of preconditions for sustainable use of assets of coal power stations in the process of phasing out for further investigation of the best sustainable approach for re-purposing of their infrastructures. A strategic and essential number of typical power plants should be selected based on that.Sustainable solutions for infrastructure re-uses are listet up and described, regarding their boundary conditions and with concern to circular economy and sector coupling approach (site specific solutions like energy production with renewables, geothermic energy production, H2 item, thermal energy storage using existing infrastructure, etc) to asses savings for infrastructure (assets, staff,etc) re-use. At the end the sites specified and clustered should be matched with the available technologies for repurposing of sites. Technology may be suitable for a certain site or number of sites if the criteria like legal issues, technical issues and market perspectives are fulfilled.


The project consortium is formed by the following partners:

  • VGB Powertech EV, Germany
  • Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Poland
  • The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellasv (CERTH), Greece
  • ČEZ a.s., Czech Republic
  • Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG (LEAG), Germany
  • Towarzystwo Gospodarcze Polskie Elektrownie, Poland
  • Tauron Wytwarzanie SA, Poland
  • VERBUND Thermal Power GmbH & Co KG, Austria
  • RWE Power AG, Germany
  • Uniper SE, Germany
  • RWE Generation SE, Germany
  • Électricité de France (EDF), France
  • Uniwersytet Leoben, Austria

+ 48-32-259-2000