About us

  • Department of Rockbursts and Rock Mechanics of the Central Mining Institute is enlisted under the position 1/95 at the list of scientific-research units indicated by the President of the State Mining Authority to the conduction of the researches in the range of assessment of the rockburst hazard in mining plants excavating hard coal and copper ore. Decision of the President of the State Mining Authority dated 28th March 1995 no. GG70/75/95/94.
  • Indication of the President of the State Mining Authority as an expert in the range of roof bolting and standing support projecting in coal and non-ferrous ores mines. Decision of the President of the State Mining Authority dated 12th May 1999 no. GG/700/0006/99/04523/MK.
  • Authorization of VI category of the Ministry of Environment (no. VI-0358, VI-0359) to conduction, supervision and management of geological works of VI category in the range of “Determination of geological-engineering conditions for the needs of space management, building objects projecting, mining excavations preparing and storage of substances and waste”.
  • Accreditation Certificate No. AB 221 of Polish Accreditation Centre in the range of examinations of physical-mechanical properties.
  • First Degree Award of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy in State Competition of Work Condition Improvement for elaboration of “Hydraulic rockmass fracturing technology”.

+ 48-32-259-2000