Laboratory of Rockburst Prevention

Rockburst hazard problems

  • Investigations and assessment of coal and rock liability to rockbursts.
  • Assessment of strata (rock mass) susceptibility to tremors.
  • Analytic assessment of the pressure state in the seam and surrounding rocks.
  • Classification of seams (deposits) or their parts among adequate rockburst hazard levels.
  • Development of comprehensive (technical) projects of mining of rockburst hazardous seams.
  • Risk assessment of mining operations in rockburst hazard conditions.
  • Selection of immediate (active) and long-term rockburst prevention methods.
  • Determination of zones of particular (specific) rockburst hazard.
  • Investigations into the dynamic convergence of mine workings.
  • Consultations on carrying out of operations in conditions of specific state of rockburst hazard.
  • Infrared-related investigations into strata (rock mass) profile.

Problems regarding combined hazards

  • Assessment of combined hazard state.
  • Selection of preventive methods to carry out mining operations in combined hazard conditions.
  • Consultations on combined hazard problems.

+ 48-32-259-2000