LIFE Programme
Contract no.:
LIFE20 IPC/CZ/000004
01.12.2021 – 31.12.2031
Moravskoslezský kraj – Moravia-Silesian Region (MSR), CzechRrepublic
Mariusz Kruczek, Ph. Eng.
Department of Water Protection
LIFE COALA jest partnerskim projektem międzynarodowym, który jest realizowany po stronie czeskiej, na terenie Kraju Morawsko-Śląskiego (MSK) przez 11 partnerów czeskich oraz po stronie polskiej na terenie Województwa Śląskiego – poprzez Główny Instytut Górnictwa i Województwo Śląskie.
- Moravian-Silesian Investment and Development (MSID), CZ
- Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre (MEC), CZ
- Moravian-Silesian Center of Energy (MSIC), CZ
- Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic (MoE), CZ
- Województwo Śląskie, PL
- Miasto Karviná, CZ
- Miasto Havířov, CZ
- Miasto Orlová, CZ
- Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation - CEPF (PF), CZ
- Technical University of Ostrava (VSB), CZ
- Główny Instytut Górnictwa (GIG), PL
The objective of this integrated project (IP) is to successfully implement the Moravian-Silesian Region’s (MSR) adaptation strategy, in order to increase the region’s climate resilience, improve the quality of the environment for its inhabitants, and support the region’s sustainable development. LIFE-IP COALA aims to introduce a system of adaptation and mitigation in the region as part of the common agendas of local governments and the MSR. The goal is to improve the use and coordination of tools, involve key stakeholders, establish partnerships with similar regions in the EU, and contribute to the successful transformation and long-term improvements of the region.
LIFE-IP COALA follows the priorities of EU policy on adaptation to climate change, including its integration in all policy areas. The project will contribute directly to the implementation of the MSR’s regional adaptation strategy (Adaptation Strategy of the Moravian-Silesian Region to the Impacts of Climate Change) and to the national Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Czech Republic.
The developed methodologies, procedures and collected examples of good practices of the participating regions will translate into an effective and efficient process of adaptation to climate change. The project and its pilot actions will focus on post-mining areas and their landscapes.
In addition to consulting work, the GIG team will carry out pilot work involving the selection and testing of technology leading to the initiation of ecosystem services functions at a selected post-mining site belonging to SRK.
Expected results:
- Coalition formed for adaptation and common priorities for climate resilience in the MSR, with: information updated on priority areas; the MSR adaptation strategy updated; the operation of advisory centres ensured; and connection with other teams in Czechia and the EU, deepening cooperation;
- Planning tools strengthened in the adaptation process and their application ensured, with:
- Adaptation plans approved for cities with a population over 10,000;
- 20 municipalities implementing at least 2 adaptation measures on greenery and rainwater management;
- At least 20 public buildings prepared for a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;
- Spatial plans of at least 20 municipalities incorporating the project’s results; and
- Low carbon and climate-resilient development pathway implemented in 5 projects in the post-mining landscape;
- Capacities for management of the adaptation process ensured, supporting projects from complementary sources to strengthen climate resilience, via: 20 core project experts; specialised advisory centres; 50 stakeholders trained; at least 100 adaptation projects supported by advisory centres; and at least 100 state administration and self-government representatives trained;
- Information about the territory improved and concentrated in an information system used for targeted measures and ongoing evaluation of the adaptation process: the regional information system RISA set up, made accessible to the public, and used to evaluate results;
- More than 15 demonstration and pilot projects carried out, as examples of good practice to be used by other actors in the MSR and other Czech regions or abroad, including:
- Demonstration and pilot adaptation measures on approximately 230 hectares;
- Pilot management of 2 protected areas using adaptation measures
- Adaptation measures applied on 1 building and modification of 2 public buildings owned by MSR prepared; and
- Good practice shared with 13 regions in Czechia and 130 cities, as well as with partners in the Silesian Voivodeship in Poland;
For more information, visit the project website:
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