Laboratory of Organic Compounds Analyses

Laboratory of Organic Compounds Analyses  is a part of the Department of Environment Engineering operating within the framework of the Central Mining Institute existing for more than 65 years.  The Laboratory was established in 2000 due to increasing demand on detection and analysis of toxic organic compounds, which enter the environment in an uncontrolled way due to human technological activity. The main objective of the Laboratory is to conduct tests to protect the natural environment.

The Laboratory also conducts research and service for power industry, chemistry, mining, food industry and agriculture.

The Laboratory operates within the Central Mining Institute where the Integrated System of Management of quality, health and safety as well as environmental management is implemented, in accordance with the requirements of the following standards: PN-ISO 9001:2009, PN-EN ISO 14001:2005 and PN-N-18001:2004.

The Laboratory performs tests using modern measuring and research apparatus meeting the requirements of these management systems.

The Laboratory carries out tests of, among others:

  • water intended for human consumption, mineral waters, spring waters and table waters,
  • underground and surface waters,
  • rain waters,
  • sewage,
  • grounds,
  • soils,
  • dusts,
  • waste,
  • electric insulation oils
  • and some foodstuffs.

Tests offered by the Laboratory relate mainly to the determination of the content of organic compounds that are harmful to health and environment, such as:

  • aliphatic hydrocarbons (petroleum substances),
  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
  • volatile aromatic compounds (BTEX),
  • nitro compounds,
  • polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
  • chlorinated aliphatic compounds (1,2-dichoroethane, tetrachloromethanes, THM and others)
  • pesticides.

In conducted research and services modern chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques are applied, such as gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), liquid chromatography and infrared spectrophotometry with Fourier transformation (FTIR).

The Laboratory carries out activities related to the development of new test procedures used in the analysis of potable, natural and outflow waters. Laboratory staff are involved in the work of the Polish Normalisation Committee in Section for Water Quality - Chemical Research - Organic Substances.

+ 48-32-259-2000