Archiwum aktualności


Workshops presenting the solutions of project HEET II

On 17 November 2023, workshops were held at the GIG-PIB Experimental Mine Barbara, presenting the results of the international project HEET II

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Cooperation agreement between the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute and CISCO, IBM and Sevenet

On 3 November 2023, a cooperation agreement was signed at the GIG-PIB office in Katowice, between the Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute and companies from the information technology sector: CISCO, IBM and Sevenet S.A.

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LIFE BRINE-MINING International Workshop

On 3rd of October 2023, the third international stakeholder meeting organized under the LIFE BRINE-MINING

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Międzynarodowe warsztaty projektu LIFE BRINE-MINING

Meeting of the TCS AH Consortium Council of project EPOS and workshops on mining and post-mining seismicity in Luleå (Sweden)

In September 2023, a meeting of the Consortium Council managing the thematic core service concerning anthropogenic hazards (TCS AH), operating as part of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) project, was organised in Luleå (Sweden)

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GIG's experience in the transformation process at the Third International Conference "Pozdrovjlena, prihodost" ("Welcome, Future")

On Thursday, September 21, Deputy Director for Environmental Engineering Jan Bondaruk presented GIG's experience in the transformation process at the Third International Conference "Pozdrovjlena, prihodost" ("Welcome, Future")

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