Zautomatyzowana metoda pomiaru eutrofizacji wód śródlądowych z wykorzystaniem teledetekcji

Duration of the project:
08.01.2018 - 31.03.2019

The AMMER project (Automated Method for Measuring Eutrophication of Inland Water Using Remote Sensing) financed by the European Space Agency (ESA) has been undergoing realisation since January 2018 by a consortium composed of: the Future Processing Sp. z o.o. company, the Central Mining Institute in Katowice and Stowarzyszenie Naukowe im. Stanisława Staszica (Stanisław Staszic Scientific Association) in Cracow.

The goal of the project is the application of remote sensing methods for the assessment of inland surface water eutrophication, based on satellite data. Eutrophication constitutes one of the key processes limiting the potential of water reservoirs in terms of their economic, recreational and natural functions. Remote sensing technology is used successfully for monitoring sea and ocean waters. An attempt to use it for the study of inland waters, which are characterised by high biological and optical complexity that greatly hinders the application of spectral methods, shall be undertaken as part of the AMMER project.

The result of the project will be an advanced information technology tool enabling an automatic trophic state assessment of selected water reservoirs located in the Silesian and Lesser Poland Voivodeships. Thanks to this tool, providing up-to-date and easily accessible information concerning surface water quality will allow, among other things, taking more effective action to limit the eutrophication process, which in turn will improve the condition of surface waters and ensure their wider utilisation.

Project result recipients will include both the owners and managers of surface waters as well as other interested parties, including residents and tourists.

+ 48-32-259-2000