Archiwum aktualności


The first meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Committee of the STRATEGY CCUS project

The first meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Committee of the STRATEGY CCUS project, presided over by prof. Krzysztof Stańczyk of the Central Mining Institute in Katowice, was held on October 20, 2020

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New method for using brown coal and biomass

The first meeting of the participants of the international project titled HyCon took place online from the 22nd to the 23rd of September this year

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Site visit as part of project Life POPWAT

The site visit was carried out at a functioning installation for passive water treatment using a wetland system

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New PCBC certificate for GIG

The Stage 2 Audit of the Central Mining Institute’s Integrated Management System resulted in the issuing of certificate no. JBS - 54/10/2020

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STRATEGY CCUS project takes milestone vote on CCUS roadmaps for regions in Southern & Eastern Europe

On the eve of its second year, the EU-funded STRATEGY CCUS project has selected three of its eight “promising” regions in southern and eastern Europe to now benefit from detailed carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) roadmaps

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